
Polk County Criminal Defense Attorney :: Massachusetts Junior Hockey League Coach Arrested in Polk Internet Sex Sting

Polk County authorities have arrested a junior hockey league coach from Massachusetts on charges that he used a solicited what he thought was a 16-year-old boy online.

The man was arrested in his home Wednesday night in Acushnet, Mass., and booked into a local jail.

Polk County detectives began investigating the man earlier this year after the mother of a 16-year-old boy told police the man allegedly began soliciting her son via Facebook.

Detectives obtained permission from the boy’s mother to pose as the teen and continue to talk to the man.

The Sheriff’s Office claims that the man sent nude pictures of himself to the boy and vividly described what he wanted to do sexually with him.

The man is also accused of soliciting the teen to perform sex acts.

He is charged with 10 counts of using a computer to seduce a child and will eventually be brought to Polk County.

In Polk County alone, there are countless “sting” operations conducted on the state and federal level to identify and arrest those suspected of soliciting a minor through the Internet in chat rooms and even on social media sites like Facebook. Soliciting a minor through the use of a computer is a serious crime, and prosecutors often seek maximum penalties. If you have been accused of this or a similar offense, you must act quickly to protect your rights. A Polk County Criminal Defense Lawyer at Whittel & Melton can immediately review your case and determine the best approach to take regarding your defense.

Law enforcement devotes much time and resources to fighting computer-based crimes, and sadly, many innocent people find themselves the target of these sweeps. When facing computer sex crimes charges, it is vital that you seek legal help immediately. Government investigations into these crimes can carry on for extended periods of time. A Polk County, Florida Criminal Defense Attorney at Whittel & Melton can aggressively defend your rights and make sure that government follows the law in conducting their investigations. There are numerous defense strategies that can be implemented in order to protect your reputation and your freedom.

If you have been arrested and charged with a computer sex crime against a child in Bartow, Lakeland, Winter Haven, Lake Wales, Haines City, Auburndale or elsewhere, contact a Polk County Criminal Attorney at Whittel & Melton online or reach us statewide and toll-free at 866-608-5529.

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