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Florida Tax Crimes Defense Attorneys Whittel & Melton :: Palm Beach Tax Preparer Accused of Filing False Returns


A 39-year-old Royal Palm Beach, Florida man has been charged with one count of filing a false personal income tax return for 2008 for himself and seven counts of filing false tax returns for his clients.

He is also charged with fraudulently claiming the First-Time Home Buyer Credit and other tax credits and deductions.

The man apparently ran a tax return preparation business in Palm Beach County.

Prosecutors claim the tax loss to the government was between $400,000 and $1 million.

The man allegedly improperly claimed earned income tax credits, home mortgage interests, business credits, gifts to charities and medical and dental expenses for his clients.

If this man is convicted of tax evasion, he faces potential penalties of up to three years in prison and up to $250,000 in fines for each charge. While searching for ways to dodge tax liability is legal in the U.S., intentionally not paying the taxes you owe can result in felony tax fraud charges. Charges of criminal tax evasion can include:

• Filing a False Tax Return
• Failure to File Taxes
• Failure to Pay Taxes
• Assisting in Preparing a False Tax Return
Additional charges that can arise in tax fraud cases may include mail fraud, making false statements and making false claims. Criminal tax evasion charges may also result from failing to report all income or claiming false deductions. In tax evasion cases, the government must prove knowledge and willfulness to deceive. The penalties are unique to the charges you face and are contingent upon the amount of taxes you owe the federal government.

If you are under investigation for filing false tax returns, it is best to contact a Florida Tax Crimes Attorney immediately. At Whittel & Melton, we can best protect your rights by getting involved as early on the case as possible. Depending on the circumstances exclusive to your case, we may be able to negotiate with the IRS to avoid criminal penalties.

If you are under investigation for or have been charged with filing false income taxes, contact the Florida Tax Crimes Defense Attorneys at Whittel & Melton online or dial us statewide and toll-free at 1-866-608-5LAW (5529).

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