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New Years Eve DUI Checkpoint expected in Columbia County


The Florida Highway Patrol will be checking out drivers on New Year’s Eve at a checkpoint along Highway 90 in Columbia County. In what the FHP calls a “Comprehensive Roadside Sobriety Checkpoint,” troopers will be stationed along the highway checking for impaired drivers, people with no license and vehicles that aren’t safe. says nearly 23,000 alcohol-related crashes happened statewide in 2007. In Columbia County alone, 11 fatal crashes were attributed to alcohol.

Sobriety checkpoints have different constitutional requirements than a traditional stop– like for example, when a person gets pulled over for speeding. Police are requred to follow strict procedures when implementing a checkpoint and failure to abide by those policies can render a checkpoint stop illegal.

If you or a family member has been arrested for DUI in Columbia County, DUI defense attorney Whittel & Melton, LLC can help. Please call us at 866-608-5529 for a consultation.

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