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Nick and Aaron Carter’s Mom Arrested in Domestic Dispute Over TV Remote in Spring Hill | Hernando County Criminal Defense Lawyers Whittel & Melton


The mother of Backstreet Boys singer Nick Carter and recently deceased Aaron Carter wound up in the Hernando County Jail following a fight with her husband over a television remote, according to TMZ.

After drinking with an adult family member and getting into a verbal fight that turned physical, the woman was taken into custody on Friday night for domestic violence.

According to TMZ, the woman and her husband got into an argument because she was watching television while playing music so loudly that he could not fall asleep.

The woman allegedly grabbed the man’s wrist when he brought out his phone to record the event, according to sources quoted by TMZ. He then dialed law enforcement at that time.

Deputies allegedly detained the woman after viewing the video captured on the man’s phone.

According to jail records, the woman was arrested early on Saturday and released the same day after paying a $100 bond.

According to TMZ, her husband was unharmed during the argument and refused to be taken to the hospital.

Untitled-design-28-200x300Domestic battery is an accusation that should not be taken lightly. If you are found guilty of domestic violence charges in Florida, you could be sentenced to jail time, fines, and other consequences that will have a detrimental impact on your future.

If you are accused of domestic abuse in Florida, you need a defense attorney who will take the time to hear you out and investigate your case. It is particularly tough for people accused of committing these crimes because prosecutors and judges often seek severe sentences for crimes of violence.

Causing harm to anyone residing in the same household can technically lead to domestic battery charges. A domestic violence charge can be brought against any type of household member, such as roommates, unmarried couples, adopted children, or foster children; the parties in these types of situations do not always need to be blood relatives or married.

Other types of family/household members may include:

  • Spouse
  • Former spouse
  • Parents who share a child together
  • Children
  • Stepchildren
  • Individuals who share a common dwelling (roommates, housemates)
  • Individuals who are dating/engaged
  • Individuals with disabilities and their caregivers

Domestic battery charges can arise from the following types of actions:

  • Causing bodily harm to a family or household member
  • Any physical contact that provokes a household member
  • Making threats
  • Sexual abuse
  • Verbal harassment
  • Emotional abuse
  • Child abuse
  • Child neglect

Can Domestic Battery Charges Be Dropped In the state of Florida?

Once law enforcement takes their initial report of domestic violence, the case is then transferred to the court. The victim cannot recant their accusations once they have been made to police. The only persona that has the power to drop domestic battery charges is the State Attorney. Of course, having a Spring Hill Criminal Defense Attorney fighting for your case can help positively influence the outcome of your specific case.

Contact a Hernando County Criminal Defense Lawyers at Whittel & Melton today at 352-666-2121 or contact us online if you need someone to fight for you. We are available 24/7 to help you with domestic violence charges in Spring Hill, Brooksville, and elsewhere in Hernando County.

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